1975 in Quimper, Frankreich geboren. Studium der Bildenden Künste an der Universität in Rennes, Frankreich. Lebt und arbeitet seit 2001 in Berlin und Wuppertal. Territorien und Fragmentierungen dominieren die Werke von Steven Hautemanière, lassen über äußere Erscheinungen hinaus blicken und fordern den Betrachter zu Auseinandersetzung auf. In unterschiedlichen Wahrnehmungsebenen manipuliert er den Blick des Betrachters und abstrahiert flüchtige Momente zu einer Spirale unterschiedlicher Eindrücke. Ein Kräftemessen zwischen Werk und Betrachter; eine Kollision geometrischer und menschlicher Körper, die die gegensätzlichen Werte und Anschauungen unserer Gesellschaft thematisiert.
Born 1975 in Quimper, France. Studied Visual Arts at the University of Rennes, France. Since 2001 lives and works in Berlin and Wuppertal. Collapse, instability, and escalation is the primary issue of his work. Territories and fragmentations move beyond appearances, manipulate the beholder's eye and demand to scrutinize, analyse and getting involved. The artist works with perception and manipulation, abstracting fugacious moments into a spiral of different impressions. A struggle of power between oeuvre and beholder, a collision of geometric and human bodies, ironically symbolizing the opposite values of the society we live in.
스테벤 오뜨마니에는 1975년에 프랑스의 캥페르 주에서 태어났으며, 렌 대학에서 예술 전공을 하였다. 프랑스, 독일, 미국에서 전시하였으며, 2001년부터 베를린과 부퍼탈에 거주하며 활발하게 활동 중이다.
오뜨마니에의 작품들은 파편들과 영토로 지배되어 있다. 그들은 겉모습을 지나, 관객이 세심히 살피고 분석하여 관여할 것을 요구한다. 관객의 눈은 여러 단계의 지각작용을 통해 조종된다. 손에 잡히지 않는 듯한 순간들이 여러 추상적인 느낌으로 소용돌이 친다. 작품과 관객의 권력 전투이자 도형과 사람의 형상의 충돌이며, 우리가 속해 있는 사회의 상반되는 가치 기준을 아이러니하게 상징한다.
Ausstellungen | Auswahl 2023 FAST FORWARD (groupshow), Galerie KUNSTKOMPLEX, Wuppertal (Germany) 2023 GRAND OPENING (groupshow), Galerie KUNSTKOMPLEX, Wuppertal (Germany) 2022 in between, triple show, Galerie Kunstkomplex, Wuppertal (Germany) 2022 CONTEMPORARY ART RUHR artfair, Welterbe Zollverein, Essen (Germany) 2022 LOFT, groupshow, Liège (Belgium) 2021 CONTEMPORARY ART RUHR artfair, Welterbe Zollverein, Essen (Germany) 2020 TEN YEARS, Galerie Kunstkomplex, Wuppertal (Germany) 2020 CONTEMPORARY ART RUHR artfair, Welterbe Zollverein, Essen (Germany) 2020 SALON, soloshow, Kunstkomplex+Mennuni, Basel (Switzerland) 2019 BASEL ART WEEK, Kunstkomplex+Mennuni, Basel (Switzerland) 2019 FAST FORWARD, Galerie Bardohl&Scheel, Berlin (Germany) 2019 INTRODUCTION, Groupshow, Kunstkomplex+Mennuni, Basel (Switzerland) 2019 NEW&COMING, Galerie Kunstkomplex, Wuppertal (Germany) 2018 KO-OP : KUNST HILFT, Groupshow, Galerie Kunstkomplex, Wuppertal (Germany) 2017 CONTEMPORARY ART RUHR, Essen (Germany) 2017 FIRST LOOK, Galerie Bardohl&Scheel, Berlin (Germany) 2017 RESUMÉ, Galerie Kunstkomplex, Wuppertal (Germany) 2017 ART PAMPELONNE, Ramatuelle (France) 2017 SCOPE BASEL, Basel (Switzerland) 2017 CO-OP, Groupshow, Galerie Kunstkomplex, Wuppertal (Germany) 2016 LIEBLINGSSTÜCKE, Groupshow, Galerie Kunstkomplex, Wuppertal (Germany) 2016 TAKE-OVER Soloshow, Galerie Kunstkomplex, Wuppertal (Germany) 2016 CONTEMPORARY ART RUHR, Welterbe Zollverein, Essen (Germany) 2016 SOMMERKOLLEKTION Galerie Kunstkomplex, Wuppertal (Germany) 2016 SCENES, Groupshow, Keumsan Gallery, Seoul (Korea) 2016 SCOPE BASEL, Basel (Switzerland) 2016 SOAF, Seoul (Korea) 2016 KÖLNER LISTE, Cologne (Germany) 2016 SELEKTION, Groupshow, Galerie Kunstkomplex, Wuppertal (Germany) 2015 ART EDITION, Seoul (Korea) 2015 SPOON ARTFAIR, Seoul (Korea) 2015 SCOPE MIAMI, Miami Beach (USA) 2015 P/REVIEW, Groupshow, Galerie Kunstkomplex, Wuppertal (Germany) 2015 KIAF, Seoul (Korea) 2015 BLOOOM/ART.FAIR, Cologne (Germany) 2015 CHEONGJU (Korea) |
2015 AHAF, Messebeteiligung, Seoul (Korea) 2015 KÖLNER LISTE, Cologne (Germany) 2014 Gruppenausstellung, Galerie Kunstkomplex, Wuppertal (Germany) 2014 BLOOOM/ARTFAIR, Cologne (Germany) 2014 BERLINER LISTE, artfair, Berlin (Germany) 2014 SHOWCASED, Groupexhibition, Galerie Gold, Berlin (Germany) 2014 KÖLNER LISTE, artfair, Cologne (Germany) 2013 VORSCHAU-RÜCKBLICK, Groupshow, Galerie Kunstkomplex, Wuppertal 2013 CONTEMPORARY ART RUHR, artfair, Essen (Germany) 2013 FEATURING, Groupexhibition, Eclectic Window Gallery, Berlin (Germany) 2013 BERLINER LISTE, artfair, Berlin (Germany) 2013 DUNKEL, , Groupexhibition, Galerie Kunstkomplex, Wuppertal (Germany) 2013 C.A.R. Medienkunstmesse, artfair, Welterbe Zollverein, Essen (Germany) 2013 AAF Bruxelles, artfair, Brussels (Belgium) 2013 GRUPPE, Groupexhibition, Galerie Kunstkomplex, Wuppertal (Germany) 2013 LA Art Show, artfair, Los Angeles (USA) 2013 DAS PAAR, Groupexhibition, Gallery 825 / LAAA, Los Angeles (USA) 2012 ONE DAY EX, Groupexhibition, Galerie Kunstkomplex, Wuppertal (Germany) 2012 Contemporary Art Ruhr, artfair, Zeche Zollverein, Essen (Germany) 2012 Group Exhibition Kunsthalle Lindenthal, Cologne (Germany) 2012 IMPLOSION, Soloshow, Galerie Kunstkomplex, Wuppertal (Germany) 2012 „Ausstellung #4 ...UNITED STATES“,Groupexhibition Galerie Kunstkomplex Wuppertal (Germany) 2011 ANDERSWO, Groupexhibition, Galerie Kunstkomplex, Wuppertal (Germany) 2011 SOMMERRESIDENZ, open air gallery, Groupexhibition, Historisches Freibad Mirke (Germany) 2011 FÜR JAPAN, Groupexhibition, Galerie Kunstkomplex, Wuppertal (Germany) 2010 OPEN, Soloexhibition, Galerie Kunstkomplex, Wuppertal (Germany) 2008 Groupexhibition, Halles de Douarnenez, Douarnenez (France) 2007 GEBÄUDE, Soloexhibition, Bessy II, Berlin (Germany) 2007 Haras de Bannalec, Groupexhibition, Bannalec (France) 2004 LS, Soloexhibition, IBFI Schloss Dagstuhl, Saarland (Germany) 2002 Soloexhibition, Zentralbibliothek der Stadt Remscheid (Germany) 2001 Groupexhibition, Lemeitour Gallery, Portland (Oregon, USA) 2001 Soloexhibition, Allegro Kulturzentrum, Wuppertal (Germany) 2001 Atelier Stranzky, Ennepetal (Germany) 2000 Groupexhibition, Galerie Variations de lumière, Quimper (France) 1999 "Le Grand Squatt des jeunes créateurs" Artfestival, Vannes (France) |